Kirche St. Anton Grossteil (Feuerwind Church)


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 | Series: european spotlight, switzerland

Travel Date:

Wednesday, 28th May 2014

One of the stops in Giswil countryside tour was to visit the Kirche St. Anton Grossteil, it's a Roman Catholic Church. Noticed the facade of this place of worship may not be as stunning as to the other churches that we visited. When we went inside, it was small like a chapel but it was beautifully designed and very detailed.

It was built as a chapel on 1607 then majority of the Baroque style designed was added on 1743 then they replaced the building from 1844 to 1847. The church's tower was raised on 1872 and on 1938-1940 a reconstruction of the chapel with an extension of two windows. While the side altars from the time of the new building of 1847 originate, was the installation of the Baroque high altar in 1956.

Outside the church is a cemetery adorned with beautiful garden and well crafted wooden headstones. It was a well maintained cemetery and I thought when my time comes, I would like to rest in a such wonderful place like that. :)

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