Next In Line




Next In Line

Traveling is fun and exciting, as fun and exciting in designing my next book. I have created photobooks in some of my travels for sometime now, and it's time for a new book about what Philippines can offer.

From 7,107 islands, I'm currently creating about 1 island (a province) for now. One of the top destinations, my hubby's beloved hometown and one of the nicest places - BOHOL.

My first visit to Bohol was on June 2001 with my former colleagues Joan and Mark. We celebrated our first anniversary as IT Professionals. Bohol was already a tourist destination at that time but what made our trip more fun were these highlights: rough roads (most of the roads gave us a free massage), the buses were old yet full of passengers, close encounters with the tarsiers and a lunch treat from Joan at the Loboc river floating restaurant.

Succeeding visits were during fiestas. A yearly celebration, a thanksgiving in honour of the town or city's patron saint. My very good friend Ophette and her family has always been our home. They always provided us a very warm welcome and good food. :)

Until I married to a Boholano, since then we've been to Bohol many times (I'm running out of count already). Every person I met who wants to visit Pinas or a kababayan who have not gone to Visayas, I've always recommended Bohol to be their next destination. Despite the quake that happened last year, Bohol will never give up! Bangon Bohol!

Please watch out for my next book entitled, BOHOL: The complete travel experience

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